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Regenerative Injection

Regenerative Injection Techniques

Prolotherapy or proliferative therapy, is an injection technique that targets both acute and chronic soft tissue injuries. The treatment generates a localized inflammatory response that stimulates blood flow and tissue regeneration. Prolotherapy has been successfully used for the following conditions: sprains, strains, migraines, tension headaches, post-MVA headaches, post-concussive syndrome, adhesive capsulitis, sciatica, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, arthritis, disc herniation, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis, back pain, knee pain, neck pain, whiplash.


Prolotherapy consists of the following:


Dextrose acts as a hyperosmolar irritant that initiates local inflammation and healing cascades. Think of this as the opposite to a steroid injection, which blocks inflammation to manage pain.


Procaine is an anesthetic that takes away pain, halts muscle spasms, breaks up scar tissue, improves blood flow, and resets haywire nerve transmission that can be consequent of an injury.


Vitamin B12 is used for its potent metabolic actions that are required for tissue repair. It also supports the health of a nerve’s coating – the myelin sheath. 


A complete prolotherapy treatment requires attention to the muscles, fascia, and nervous system components that affect the injury. This is done throughout various treatments until adequate pain resolution and joint function has returned.


For more information about prolotherapy, please contact me.

Neural Therapy is a technique that targets damaged or inflamed nerve tissue.  Neural therapy uses local anesthetic to temporarily reset nerve transmission & block pain receptors - similar to the idea of rebooting a frozen computer. Neural therapy can create lasting relief from chronic nerve pain, muscle spasm, and scar tissue formation. Neural therapy is an excellent treatment option for chronic neuralgias (ie trigeminal neuralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia), chronic muscle spasm, migraines, tension headaches, scar tissue formation (ie post-surgical), sciatica or piriformis syndrome, post-concussion syndrome, whiplash, or neuropathic pain.  

Functional Lab Testing

Lab Analysis is an incredibly useful tool for determining underlying physiologic conditions that may be contributing to your health concerns. Labs allow us to maximize the efficacy of treatment plans by integrating both biochemical factors (labs) and clinical presentation (symptoms) into your whole picture, thereby identifying imbalances or dysfunction that may otherwise be overlooked. Lab assessment is unique to each individual, but may include the following:


- Hormone analysis (DUTCH Serum, salivary panels)


- GI Map (DNA stool analysis)


- PULS Testing (Cardiovascular health)


- Genetic Assessment & Application to Health


- SIBO Testing


- Vitamin D testing


- Hair and urine element analysis


- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) panel


- IgG Food Sensitivity testing


- Comprehensive blood panels (Lifelabs)

Lab Testing
IV Therapy

IV Therapy

Feeling run down and on to the third cold of the season?   Struggling with troubled skin or hormone imbalances?  IV Nutrient Therapy is a treatment that delivers therapeutic doses of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) intravenously as part of an individualized treatment plan.


IV therapy is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including migraines, muscle tension, tension headaches, hormone imbalances, fatigue, low immune function, skin disorders, mood disorders (anxiety, depression), stress management, insomnia, and antioxidant support for general wellness & prevention.


By bypassing the gastrointestinal system, IV therapy’s delivery of nutrients is not affected by variable digestive capabilities and malabsorption, as we often see with gastrointestinal inflammation, stress, poor diet, etc. Additionally, IV therapy encourages nutrients to move into the cell – rather than circulate extracellularly - where they can be utilized for metabolic functions.




Acupuncture is a tried and true treatment that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Its foundations are based on aligning meridian flows within the body to regain functional balance. However, it has also been adapted into today’s medical paradigm as an excellent treatment for injuries and pain.


IMS (Intramuscular stimulation) or functional dry needling is now widely used by Naturopathic doctors, TCM practitioners, physios, and medical doctors to resolve muscle tightness, break up scar tissue, reroute neuromuscular pathways, and increase blood flow to tissues (ie promote healing).


Combined with adjunctive therapies, such as cupping, nutrient support, or prolotherapy, acupuncture is used to treat everything from fertility to anxiety to athletic injury recovery and chronic pain resolution.

Thyroid & Hormone Support

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) provides hormones that are identical to your own, rather than synthetic look-alikes. BHRT is unique in its ability to encourage your body’s natural hormone systems into balance, resolving symptoms involved in PMS, menopause/perimenopause, impaired fertility, endometriosis, PCOS, insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, and other hormonal imbalances. BHRT is often supported by specific nutrients and herbs to address various aspects of hormone health and metabolism, providing lasting results.


Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Support

Whether you need a drug, vitamin, or specific blend of both, NDs are trained in using complementary therapeutics to find YOUR lowest drug dose for maximum effect. This often means effective results with minimal side effects so that you can still feel like yourself while maintaining treatment.


You may be looking for a pharmaceutical approach to wellness or looking for an alternative one. Working together, both of these options will be addressed so that you can make an informed and educated decision about your health.

Pharma Neutra

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